Acaia Orion Bean Doser


Automate your coffee bean measuring and dosing with the Acaia Orion Bean Doser. Designed for cafes and retail settings that need fast, accurate dosing of coffee, this clever device will reduce the time your baristas stand over a scale and make brewing coffee smoother, simpler, and faster.

The Orion can accurately deliver a 225g dose in just 12 seconds and a 20g dose in 3 seconds. The margin of error is just +/- 0.5g—just two or three coffee beans. It’s fast and precise. But even when it’s off by a couple beans, the Orion’s intelligent scale can make micro adjustments based on the target and actual measurements to make dosing even more accurate.

The doser’s dial interface allows you to quickly get to all settings, including two different dosing presets. The small footprint of the doser makes it a viable option for even smaller espresso bars.

You’ll also be able to update your Orion with firmware updates that add features and refresh current ones via the Acaia bluetooth app.