Aeropress - Washed (Delicate)

The Aeropress brews coffee by soaking grinds then pressing the water through a filter screen. The results are somewhere between several brew methods, not quite plunger but stronger than a chemex or pour-over. Aeropress was developed by mechanical engineer Alan Adler who conducted hundreds of brewing experiments in search of the perfect cup. He concluded that proper temperature, total immersion and rapid filtering were all keys to extracting the best flavour from coffee. This makes the Aeropress an incredibly versatile brewer and makes brewing a variety of coffees super simple.
Ratio : 1:18
Filters : Aeropress
Coffee : 13.8g
Water : 250 (94℃)
Micron : 500um
- With the Aeropress upright add in your coffee and pour in 250ml of water ensuring all the coffee is saturated.
- Press in the plunger to create a seal and start the timer.
- At 2 minutes swirl the Aeropress breaking the crust and knocking down the grinds.
- Wait another 30 seconds before plunging slowly.
- Once you hear a hiss stop plunging and remove the Aeropress from the server and enjoy your coffee.